Annual Report 2021 - 2022

Rosemary School of Excellence, aims to be the pioneer of educational institutions, we are dedicatedly marching towards excellence.

"Excellence in education is when we do everything that we can to make sure they become everything that they can"

We strive for excellence in each and every effort taken, so as to achieve transcendence. RMSE has been stepping from success to success all through the years since its humble beginning in 2018 and the past year has been no exception. We have done excellently in academics and non-academic areas. RMSE presents this report to highlight its achievements made during the year gone by and at the same time set the path for greater accomplishments in the years to come.


To give an education of global standards with an exclusively interesting management style in a friendly atmosphere and to promote wholesome development of the children.


To make the learning process excellent through integrated teaching methodologies so that the students are motivated to excel academically in achieving their goals and challenges with a futuristic outlook.


Rosemary School of Excellence is committed to imparting quality education. The students are taught in such a way that they improve their self-discipline in work, play, in being responsible, strategic thinking, good conduct, team skills, community service and volunteerism, managing conflicts, aesthetic sense in appreciating nature and being creative.

The children are taught to be honest, to be a good human being, to care and respect others, to help and to love fellow human beings. These moral values are essential to support the staff, parents and the society.

Rosemary School of Excellence prepares each student to face the next stage of their lives, by building the strengths and experiences at school level, reflecting our vision and mission values. The value based approach to life with the education encourage each child to face the emerging global challenges with confidence and courage.


CBSE affiliation: It gives us immense pleasure to inform that we have received CBSE affiliation till Secondary School (affiliation number 1931232).

STAFF (RMSE faculty)

The faculty at RMSE comprises of well qualified, learned and empathetic teachers with a desire to share the love of their subject with the students. We are fortunate to have teachers with eagerness to improvise and adapt to new challenges and demands so as to bring out the best in their students. Creativity and innovation are the benchmarks in the field of Pedagogy and we continuously strive to incorporate it.


Regular PTMs were conducted throughout the year, it offered a great platform to both parents and teachers to share insights and information for the development of the children.


Academics is the core focus of at RMSE. All the possible efforts have been taken and, we will continue to take, to ensure academic excellence in our school. We believe that excellence in academics is the hall mark of our school, as a good institution.


The academic year 2021-2022 commenced with the exclusive online classes initially and later, a hybrid model of online as well as face to face classes were introduced. Detailed guidelines were issued by the health authority to be followed during the pandemic. School used Zoom as a platform for online classes conducted along with hi-tech homework transformation system Fliplearn and Rosemary digital app.


With the due permission from the State Government and the CBSE, the School began offline classes for the students in the month of November 2021, we abided by all the guidelines of CBSE and government regarding sanitizing of classrooms, staircases and washrooms and maintaining proper social distance among students in the classrooms.


Curriculum was modified for online classes. Rigorous curriculum modification took place for KG section. The curriculum was modified, revised and enriched to enhance the quality. Later, when the face to face classes started, emphasis were given to the theme based teaching with lots of importance on speaking skills along with other skills. Also, enough focus was given on fun activities such as art, dance and music classes along with physical education in the KG section.

For Grade 1 to Grade 8, curriculum was developed in such a way that it ensured of meeting the needs of our students, it was rigorously revised and enriched to make students more competent to face future exams.


CBSE introduced the concept of Art Integration in the National Education Policy. In a circular by CBSE to all affiliated schools were supposed to integrate art in such a manner to make learning joyful.

The liberty to choose any kind of art form whether visual or performing art opened varied fields for students to explore.


A detailed structure of examinations was devised. During online classes, the Periodic Assessments and Summative Assessment were conducted online using Fliplearn. Later, during offline classes, examinations were held in a timely manner following the examination protocols. Students' progress in the PA and SA were informed to the parents on regular basis. Subject enrichment activities were done by the students and teachers evaluated these as an internal assessments.


RMSE has established a robust assessment system across all the grades. Our assessment helps in enhancing student's achievement and progress.


Subject enrichment activities aimed at the understanding and skill development of children. These activities permitted students to apply knowledge to the next level. It sustained the enthusiasm of students to put their best foot forward.


All the efforts have been taken to ensure quality in teaching. We have competent teachers during the current academic year and the selection process for the next

academic year is going on. We have a very robust system of teacher's lesson observation which includes observation by the principal and Coordinator. A series of Professional Development sessions on various topics were organised for all the teachers. These were internal and external Professional Development sessions. We have planned another series of PD session for teachers for the next academic year.


After finding the average percentage of children lagging behind, remedial measures were taken by arranging basic classes for such students.


The Average students Attendance for the academic year 2021-2022 was 95%, and our target for 2022- 23 is 97%. All Students usually attended online as well as face to face classes on time.

To promote the regular attendance, certificate will be issued for those students who have 100% overall annual attendance in the next academic year. We need the cooperation and support from our parents to achieve this target.


Students' Notebooks were checked, during online classes, parents were expected to deposit the notebooks of their wards. Different classes on different dates were called for submission. Similarly, parents were communicated when these notebooks were to be returned. In both cases proper sanitization of copies were done. Later, during offline classes, notebooks were checked by the teachers in a daily basis.


Considering the growing demands for more rooms for academic teaching RMSE has been adding more classrooms for effective teaching. The classrooms are spacious, airy and full of natural light, it opens in a wide and safe corridor. Our classrooms are sound proof Audio-visual rooms with projectors and internet facilities. Internet connections have been made available in every part of the school building for a smooth and effective exploration of study and teaching materials. Seating arrangements in this academic year were done as per covid19 measures.


The school library is a centre that provides a range of learning opportunities for students as well as teachers with a flair for reading and knowledge. In addition to classroom visits with collaborating teachers, the school library also serves as a learning space for students to do independent work on writings and project works. The library has a large variety of books, approximately 1000, ranging from fictions for primary students to classics of world literature. The books and journals have been arranged meticulously in different shelves.


Effective teaching and learning in science involves a perpetual state of show and tell. Our school combines classroom teaching with laboratory experiments from primary level itself so that students are able to grasp each and every concept thoroughly. It is also believed that laboratory teaching and experiments that are conducted there, will help encourage a deeper understanding in children. Children are able to retain knowledge for much longer when they see the experiments being performed in front of them. RMSE has labs for Physics, Chemistry and Biology situated in the first floor. These labs are renovated regularly for getting a first-hand learning experience by performing different experiments on their own.


RMSE has a well-equipped computer laboratory in the first floor, this lab plays an important role in understanding the computer programming and making programs on their own. This practical learning help the students to increase their scientific and technological research and invention capacity. Students are allowed to devote their free time in learning computer programming to improve their computer skills.


School Assemblies provide ample of opportunities for all our students to come forth with self- courage and express their abilities of public speaking, reading, though sharing etc.

Virtual School assemblies were held during online classes and thereby during offline classes, we continued to conduct school assemblies twice in a week (Wednesday and Saturday).


Rosemary School of Excellence not only focuses upon the intellectual development of our future generation, but also takes care of their emotional and behavioural development in their early ages of development by inculcating sound moral values, responsibility and social awareness. We are doing it through different co-curricular activities and school celebrations.

During the Academic year 2021 - 2022, we have conducted many CCA events in various categories in KG, Primary and Middle School. This included both CCA competitive and non-competitive events and celebrations.

  • Independence day was celebrated on 15th August, flag hoisting ceremony was organized in the school premises following Covid19 protocol.
  • Women's equality day was celebrated on 24th August through discussion and public speaking activities.
  • World Coconut day (social activity) was celebrated on 2nd September to

create awareness on coconut being nature's healthiest foods and its wide range of health benefits.

  • Swachchata Awareness day was celebrated in the month of September to create awareness on importance of cleanliness.
  • Indian peace-making was celebrated in the month of September to show empathy towards the Indian peacemakers.
  • Teacher's day was celebrated on 5th September with great enthusiasm. Various activities were organized during the event.
  • Mental Health day was celebrated on 10th October to create awareness on the effects of bullying, addiction and negative emotions.
  • Children's day was celebrated on 14th November in the school with great enthusiasm. Many competitions were held for the children like fruit carving, clay modelling, best out of waste art competition. Also, Teachers prepared handmade card for their respective class students.
  • Vigilance Awareness Week was observed in the month of October to create awareness about corruption, how corruption has a negative effect on us. Debate was held on Corruption v/s Anti-Corruption.
  • National Bullying Prevention Week was observed from 15th November to 21st November to create awareness on importance of preventing various kind of bullying.
  • National youth day was celebrated on 12th Jan 2021 to encourage and inspire our youth.
  • National Science day was celebrated on 28th February to mark the invention of the Raman Effect, this day was celebrated through speeches to encourage youth to understand the aspects of science and develop interest in it.
  • National discrimination day was celebrated on 1st March, through discussions and speeches, students were informed about right to equality. Important information on human rights were provided and were also informed about how discrimination is ethically wrong, and is harmful, is morally wrong and perpetuates inequality.


Middle grade students along with the teachers participated in the cycle ride event which was organised by the school management.

The event began with gathering of the students at the school premises and proceeded on riding cycles in the vicinity of the school. By sowing seeds of participating in such sports activities amongst students, it paved a way for a fit and healthy life.


The Green Olympiad by TERI in the month of August - September saw many awardees. Students of RMSE have bagged Merit award.


RMSE organized field trip to Porunai Nellai Book Fair Festival - 2022 for middle level students. Students visited the book fair with great enthusiasm, students were motivated to read and build knowledge, vocabulary and artistic skills.


Number of Clubs were introduced this year, like:

Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Club was started, through which children learnt about Jammu & Kashmir, creative blend of this club helped the students to understand the beauty in diversity. The enthusiasm and participation shown by the students were not only overwhelming but also encouraging.

Likewise, Green Brigade (Science Club) was started to help the students understand the importance of keeping our environment clean and green, this club really helped the students in sensitizing the issues related to environment. Project works were given to children like poster making, slogan writing on importance of planting trees.

Math Magic Club helped students to enhance their math skills, this club helped students to grasp mathematical concepts better through activities like puzzles, shortcuts in calculations etc.


School offered exclusive extra-curricular activities to the students of RMSE, trained professional teachers were hired to provide training in skating, dance, silambam, chess, piano & taekwondo.


We organised winter solstice program for our Primary and Middle level school students. We celebrated this mid-winter event by exhibiting various talents of students in a variety of activities from Public speaking to group singing, dancing, drama and orchestra. It helped students to overcome their stage fear, boost up their confidence and learn teamwork. It is a compulsory annual event that requires proper planning and rigorous preparation and practice. This also incurs a considerable cost for the preparation of different structural aspects for performance.


Teachers have constantly upgraded themselves by attending various webinars and online training sessions customized in an online mode and NCERT was conducting these courses for all the elementary teachers across the country through Diksha Portal. Our Teachers also attended in-house training sessions organized by RMSE.


Our school is presently a CBSE affiliated Secondary School, following are our prospective plan for the academic year 2022 -2023.

  • School Newsletter and Magazine

In the forthcoming academic year 2022 - 2023, the term-wise School Newsletter will be released and the same will be uploaded in the school website and also in our social media account, we are also planning to introduce school magazine, which will be published by the end of the academic year 2023.

  • Academic Awards

All the academic awards including the award for considerable improvement will be given out along with other awards.

  • Inter-house sports tournaments

Inter-house sports tournaments and physical fitness test will be conducted by Physical Education Department for all the grades.

  • Extra-Curricular Activities

Taking into consideration demands from parents to include some more stimulating sports activities in the ECA, we are in the process to add some more extra-curricular activities.

  • Enhanced Library

As library is truly integral to the teaching and learning processes, we will be adding more interesting and essential books in the library for the students of all grades. This will further facilitate diverse life skills, thereby enhancing personal development in young children.

  • Orientation Programmes, Seminars

We will start with the Orientation programmes and seminars for the Students in order to cope up with the changing situation and equip them for the future with a strong value based foundation.


Academic year 2021 - 2022, had been a blend of both online and offline teaching. Even though our students were learning through online mode and then for few months offline mode, top priority was always given to academic performance. Unit tests, assignments, project work, art integrated activities, remedial teaching along with many other developmental activities kept them busy throughout the year. All thanks to our management, teaching and non-teaching staff and parents along with the students who have been providing maximum support and co-operation.

As the great saying goes "Success is a journey, not a destination" we wish to grow consistently and steadily in the coming years and take Rosemary School of Excellence to its peak with our Almighty's grace and blessings.

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